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Delta 8 THC: Can I Get Addicted To It?

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Is Delta 8 THC addictive?
Picture of Medically Reviewed By: Dr. Mohsin Ali, MD

Medically Reviewed By: Dr. Mohsin Ali, MD

Dr. Mohsin Ali MD is board certified in Psychiatry and Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Trained in Syracuse NY, he has worked in Tennessee for the last sixteen years.

Table of Contents

Delta 8 THC, a lesser-known relative of marijuana, has recently gained attention, leading many to wonder about its addictive properties. People often inquire, “Is Delta 8 THC addictive?” and are curious about its distinctions from conventional marijuana.

In a recent study utilizing data from the Monitoring the Future in-school survey, conducted across the US from February to June 2023, researchers explored delta-8 THC use among adolescents. This ongoing survey assesses teens’ behaviors and attitudes on various topics, including substance use. The study revealed that out of 2,186 12th graders surveyed, 11.4% reported using delta-8 THC in the past year. Despite marijuana being illegal for teens, 30.4% of participants admitted to using it.

Among the 295 students who used delta-8 in the last year, 68.1% did so at least three times, 35.4% at least ten times, and nearly 17% at least forty times. Furthermore, almost 91% of delta-8 users also reported marijuana use. The study noted higher delta-8 use among teens in the South and Midwest and in states where marijuana is not legal for adults.

At Iris Wellness Group, our drug rehab in Chattanooga, TN, we excel in assisting individuals on their path to recovery. Our seasoned professionals are dedicated to offering the necessary support for sustained recovery. Contact us at 423-441-4650 to embark on your path to wellness.

What is Delta 8 THC and Delta 9 THC?

Delta 8 THC and Delta 9 THC are cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. Delta 8 THC, known for its subtler psychoactive effects, contrasts with Delta 9 THC, the primary psychoactive component in marijuana that induces the familiar high. Delta 8 THC, or delta-8-tetrahydrocannabinol, possesses a unique molecular structure differing slightly from that of Delta 9 THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol), which contributes to its rising appeal. People are increasingly drawn to Delta 8 for its potential therapeutic benefits, including anti-nausea, anti-anxiety, and pain relief properties, without the strong euphoria Delta 9 is known for.

The difference in potency between Delta 8 and Delta 9 is notable, with Delta 8 being significantly milder and less abundantly produced by the cannabis sativa plant. This variance has sparked discussions about their addictive potential. The debate usually centers on Delta 9 due to its more pronounced effects and prevalence in cannabis strains. Nevertheless, the question “Is Delta 8 addictive?” is part of a broader conversation about the potential for dependence on both Delta 8 and Delta 9 as the cannabis market continues to grow.

It’s vital for individuals to grasp the differences between Delta 8 and Delta 9, including their chemical structures and effects, to navigate the expanding world of cannabis products wisely. With the industry’s evolution, exploring the addiction potential of Delta 8 and Delta 9 is crucial for providing clarity and ensuring that users can make informed decisions about THC consumption.

Is Delta 8 THC Addictive?

Delta 8 THC, known for producing a sense of calm, relaxation, and happiness with relatively fewer side effects such as anxiety and paranoia compared to traditional marijuana, does carry a risk of addiction. Like all cannabinoids, it affects the endocannabinoid system, potentially triggering addictive behaviors, particularly in individuals prone to substance misuse.

Though marijuana’s addictive potential is lower compared to hard drugs, cannabis use disorder remains a reality for some. This disorder is primarily attributed to delta 9 THC, the compound responsible for marijuana’s psychoactive effects.

Given Delta 8 THC’s similarity to Delta 9, concerns about its addictive potential are valid. Delta 8 is synthesized from CBD derived from hemp, a type of cannabis sativa plant, and is available in forms like gummies, vapes, and oils.

Despite being considered safer due to fewer adverse effects, Delta 8 THC’s risk of addiction should not be underestimated. Regular consumption can lead to tolerance, requiring larger doses for the same effect, which can evolve into dependence and full-blown addiction.

Signs of Delta 8 addiction may include:

  • Using the substance to stave off withdrawal
  • Inability to function without it
  • Increased usage to achieve desired effects
  • Loss of control over consumption
  • Reorganizing life to obtain and use Delta 8.

Recognizing Delta 8 THC’s potential for addiction is vital. Although it may seem a softer option than marijuana, the path from tolerance to dependence and addiction is a real risk. Professional help for those struggling with Delta 8 addiction or concerned about someone’s use is essential. Addiction treatment is accessible, and seeking support is the first step towards recovery and regaining health and well-being.

Is Delta 8 Legal?

The legal status of Delta 8 THC is intricate and subject to change, varying significantly by location. Under the 2018 Farm Bill in the United States, hemp and its derivatives, including Delta 8 THC, became federally legal as long as they contain no more than 0.3% Delta 9 THC. However, this federal rule hasn’t prevented states from creating their own laws, resulting in Delta 8 THC being outlawed or restricted in certain areas. Therefore, it’s crucial for individuals to keep abreast of the laws governing Delta 8 THC in their specific regions to ensure they adhere to local legal standards.

Signs & Symptoms of Delta 8 and Delta 9 Addiction

Understanding the signs and symptoms of addiction to Delta 8 and Delta 9 is crucial in identifying potential issues with these substances.

Key signs of Delta 8 addiction or addiction to Delta 9 include:

  • Overwhelming Cravings: Experiencing a powerful urge to use Delta 8 or Delta 9.
  • Consuming Time: Spending excessive amounts of time acquiring, using, or recovering from these substances.
  • Emotional Instability: Feeling irritable, annoyed, or upset when Delta 8 or Delta 9 are not accessible.
  • Neglecting Duties: Missing or underperforming in responsibilities at work, school, or home because of substance use.
  • Hiding Usage: Concealing the extent of use or lying about the amount consumed.
  • Continuing Despite Problems: Using Delta 8 or Delta 9 even when it causes physical, social, or legal issues.
  • Dangerous Behaviors: Using substances in hazardous situations or combining them with other risky substances.
  • Growing Tolerance: Needing more of Delta 8 or Delta 9 to achieve the same effect over time.
  • Challenges with Stopping: Struggling to reduce or cease consumption of these substances.

These symptoms signify a deepening dependency on Delta 8 and Delta 9, highlighting the need for awareness and potential intervention.

Side Effects of Delta 8 THC

Delta 8 THC can lead to various side effects, including:

  • Drowsiness: Delta 8 THC can greatly impair alertness, posing risks when driving or using heavy machinery.
  • Dry Mouth: A frequent outcome of using Delta-8 is a noticeable reduction in saliva production, leading to dry mouth.
  • Bloodshot Eyes: Similar to traditional cannabis, Delta 8 THC usage can result in eye redness.
  • Increased Heart Rate: This compound has the potential to accelerate heart rhythms, raising concerns for certain users.
  • Anxiety and Paranoia: Despite being viewed as less intense than Delta 9 THC, high doses of Delta 8 THC can still provoke feelings of unease and paranoia in users.

Awareness of these effects is crucial for anyone considering or currently using Delta 8 THC to make informed decisions about their health and safety.

Signs That My Loved one or I’m Addicted to Delta 8

Recognizing an addiction to Delta 8 THC is a pivotal step toward recovery.

Signs of a possible Delta 8 addiction include:

  • Increased Tolerance: Finding that you need more Delta 8 THC to achieve the same effects suggests a growing tolerance, which is a precursor to addiction.
  • Withdrawal Symptoms: Experiencing negative symptoms such as irritability, sleep issues, or cravings when trying to quit or reduce Delta 8 THC indicates dependency.
  • Life Disruption: When Delta 8 THC use becomes a priority over fulfilling work, academic, or personal obligations, it’s a sign that addiction may be taking hold.
  • Control Loss: Struggling to lessen or stop Delta-8 THC consumption, even with the desire to do so, is a strong indication of addiction.
  • Usage Despite Consequences: Continuing to use Delta 8 THC despite facing health issues, relationship problems, or legal troubles points to addiction.

If these signs resonate with you or someone you care about, seeking professional help is essential. Our dedicated team provides compassionate, tailored treatment options to support individuals through their journey to overcoming Delta 8 THC addiction.

Delta 8 THC Overdose

Experiencing an overdose from Delta 8 THC occurs when an individual consumes an amount that surpasses what their body can safely process, whether intentionally or accidentally. Such an overdose can lead to significant health dangers, including conditions that might threaten one’s life. It highlights the importance of consuming Delta-8 THC responsibly and adhering to suggested dosages to avert the risks associated with an overdose.

What Are The Treatment Options for Delta 8 & 9 Addiction?

Effective treatment options are available for those grappling with addiction to Delta 8 and Delta 9. With the right professional guidance, individuals can navigate the path to a healthier, substance-free life. Treatment plans are customized to cater to each person’s unique needs, often incorporating strategies to address concurrent mental health conditions.

A comprehensive treatment approach might include several components, depending on the individual’s requirements:

Various therapeutic methods can play a crucial role in recovery from Delta 8 and Delta 9 addiction, including:

Achieving lasting recovery involves a personalized approach, recognizing that there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. At Iris Wellness Group we’re dedicated to offering tailored treatments for Delta 8 addiction in Chattanooga, TN, guiding each individual towards a fulfilling, drug-free future. Contact us today at 423-441-4650 or fill out our online form to embark on your recovery journey.

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