Iris Wellness Group Addiction & Mental Health Treatment Center in Chattanooga, TN

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Internal Family Systems Therapy in Chattanooga, TN

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901 Mountain Creek Rd, Chattanooga, TN 37405

Internal Family Systems Therapy in Chattanooga, TN
Picture of Medically Reviewed By: Dr. Mohsin Ali, MD

Medically Reviewed By: Dr. Mohsin Ali, MD

Dr. Mohsin Ali MD is board certified in Psychiatry and Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Trained in Syracuse NY, he has worked in Tennessee for the last sixteen years.

Table of Contents

What is Internal Family Systems Therapy?

Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy offers a compassionate approach to understanding the mind’s multifaceted nature. It operates on the belief that every aspect of our psyche has a purpose and that there are no inherently negative parts, just parts pushed into challenging roles. By helping clients connect with their core “Self”—the innate center of clarity, curiosity, and calm—they can heal these parts, leading to inner harmony and a decrease in troubling behaviors.

The essence of Internal Family Systems therapy is to recognize and engage with various internal “sub-personalities” or “families.” These include parts carrying trauma and emotions like anger or shame, and parts acting as protectors or managers, shielding us from these painful feelings. Often, these internal segments clash with each other and the core Self, which embodies one’s genuine, compassionate essence. IFS Therapy aims to heal these parts, fostering balance and unity by reshaping the relationships among them.

The concept of IFS Therapy was pioneered by psychologist Richard Schwartz. While practicing family therapy, he noticed recurring patterns in how individuals discussed their inner experiences, often referring to distinct “parts” within them. Inspired by these insights, Schwartz visualized the mind as a kind of internal family, with each part interacting as a member of this inner household. This innovative perspective on inner dynamics laid the groundwork for IFS and emphasized the pivotal role of the core Self.

IFS Therapy Treatment Model

The IFS therapy model is a blend of various therapeutic approaches, drawing from diverse psychological concepts like the mind’s multiplicity and systems thinking. In IFS, each internal “sub-personality” or “part” is understood to have its unique traits and viewpoints. It integrates methods from Bowenian therapy, and traditional narrative and structural approaches, with the shared objective of comprehending and addressing the mind’s myriad parts.

In this framework, each conscious level is seen as having distinct sub-personalities. These sub-personalities have their preferences, burdens, backgrounds, and play a specific role in ensuring the individual’s wellbeing. Every part plays a crucial role in preventing behaviors or reactions that might disrupt the person’s internal harmony. These parts are valued for their fundamental roles, even if some of them, deemed as having “extreme” roles, might benefit from therapeutic intervention. The IFS model underscores the interplay among parts, as no part can transform in isolation.

Core principles of the IFS model are:

  1. The human psyche is made up of numerous distinct parts.
  2. Everyone has a core Self, which ideally oversees the inner ensemble.
  3. All parts, even if they exhibit non-extreme behavior, are beneficial. No part is inherently “bad”. Therapy helps parts find their balanced roles.
  4. As individuals grow, their internal family evolves. The interplay among parts becomes intricate, allowing for a systems approach to the inner landscape. This internal restructuring can lead to swift role shifts among parts.
  5. Alterations in the inner landscape reflect outwardly, and vice versa. Hence, both internal and external dynamics warrant thorough evaluation.

The IFS model classifies parts into three main categories:

  1. Managers: They maintain daily consciousness, ensuring unwanted emotions or experiences triggered by external factors are kept at bay.
  2. Exiles: These parts often harbor pain or trauma, possibly from past experiences. Managers and firefighters suppress these parts, preventing them from surfacing to maintain balance.
  3. Firefighters: They act when exiles try to emerge, diverting attention to prevent the person from feeling the exiles’ pain. This diversion might lead individuals to impulsive or even harmful behaviors, such as overindulgence in food, work, alcohol, or other substances.

In this model, both managers and firefighters act as guardians or protectors, while exiles are the ones they shield.

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Understanding the Self in IFS Therapy

At the heart of IFS (Internal Family Systems) therapy is the core concept of the “Self.” Every individual possesses this innate essence, defining who they truly are. The Self is an unblemished and integral part of our being, immune to damage or corruption. When someone is driven by their Self, there’s a harmonious balance within, and all inner parts align and collaborate seamlessly. However, sometimes, the Self can get entwined with other internal parts, masking its true nature. The initial move in such cases is to distinguish the Self from these intertwined parts.

Characteristics of the Self: The 8 Cs and 5 Ps

Being in the state of Self is identified by the “8 Cs”:

  1. Curiosity
  2. Calm
  3. Clarity
  4. Connectedness
  5. Confidence
  6. Courage
  7. Creativity
  8. Compassion

These attributes surface when someone is channeling their Self. They usually feel an amalgamation of the above qualities, making it conducive for them to communicate effectively with their inner parts. To initiate the healing journey, it’s pivotal to tap into the Self.

As the therapeutic process evolves, another set of qualities, the “5 Ps”, emerges, accentuating a healed and complete Self:

  1. Presence
  2. Persistence
  3. Perspective
  4. Playfulness
  5. Patience

These traits, along with the 8 Cs, offer a comprehensive depiction of the vibrant and wholesome nature of the Self in IFS therapy.

Issues Treated by Internal Family Systems Therapy

Internal Family Systems therapy is a versatile tool for addressing an extensive range of mental health challenges and emotional scars. Whether it’s in the context of families, couples, or individuals, IFS has proven its efficacy. As of November 2015, the National Registry for Evidence-based Programs and Practices (NREPP) recognizes IFS as a well-supported method. The therapy not only bolsters overall mental and emotional health but has also shown promise in alleviating symptoms linked to phobias, panic, generalized anxiety, depression, and some physical health issues.

A list of concerns commonly addressed by IFS therapy includes:

Benefits of IFS Therapy

Although the full spectrum of IFS therapy benefits still requires further exploration, current findings paint an optimistic picture. Here’s what IFS therapy in Chattanooga, TN may offer its participants:

  • A decrease in feelings of anxiety and depression
  • Enhanced resilience to life’s challenges
  • Strengthened and more positive relationships
  • Effective problem-solving skills
  • Alleviation of PTSD symptoms
  • A journey towards self-acceptance
  • Development of strategies to regulate substance use
  • A deeper insight into one’s emotions
  • For those with rheumatoid arthritis, a notable reduction in pain and depression.

What happens in an IFS Therapy Session?

An IFS therapy session might resemble a conventional talk therapy at first glance, but it’s uniquely tailored. Therapists often guide individuals to explore their internal landscape, seeking a connection between the various internal parts and the core Self. Let’s say, for instance, someone is grappling with alcohol addiction. The therapist might gently guide this person to unwind, breathe deeply, and tap into that internal part which urges them to continue drinking. This connection could manifest as a physical sensation, a vivid mental image, or just an intrinsic realization of that part’s presence.

With this internal connection established, the therapist might delve deeper, asking the individual how they genuinely feel about this particular part. Responses might range from shame, anger, and disgust to apprehension. The therapist’s role then shifts to elucidating the motivations driving that internal part, often prompting the individual to soften their intense emotions towards this part, making space for clearer communication.

As the conversation unfolds, this part might reveal its actions stem from a genuine desire to shield or help the individual cope with life’s hardships. This opens the door for a transformative dialogue. The therapist might then propose a question: Would this part consider trying alternative coping strategies if they promise equal, if not better, relief? While this part might be skeptical about other methods’ effectiveness, it might also be open to experimenting, seeing no harm in trying. Given the green light, the therapist collaboratively works with the individual, charting out healthier coping pathways.

Effectiveness of IFS Therapy

While IFS therapy was introduced in the 1980s, comprehensive research on its effectiveness is still emerging.

In 2015, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration included IFS therapy in their National Registry for Evidence-Based Programs and Practices, recognizing its demonstrated success in a study on rheumatoid arthritis.

According to the Foundation for Self Leadership, IFS has been acknowledged as an evidence-based practice. Its ability to enhance overall well-being has gained it an “effective” rating. Moreover, IFS therapy has been deemed promising in areas such as:

  • Addressing phobias, panic attacks, and generalized anxiety disorder symptoms
  • Managing physical health conditions and related symptoms
  • Boosting personal resilience and self-worth
  • Alleviating depression and its associated symptoms.

Are There Any Risks to Internal Family Systems Therapy?

Diving into IFS might stir certain internal parts, especially when attempting to connect with those that have long been suppressed. This can sometimes lead to a temporary surge in challenging behaviors. It’s crucial to progress at a pace that both the manager and firefighter parts find comfortable and safe.

There are other challenges to be mindful of with IFS. Some individuals may experience intense emotional responses, a brief amplification of symptoms (often seen in the early stages of therapy), or may feel that they aren’t making the anticipated progress towards their healing goals. However, it’s worth noting that these challenges are not unique to IFS; they’re consistent with many therapeutic interventions. In essence, the potential challenges of IFS don’t surpass those of other well-established psychotherapy techniques.

Is IFS Therapy Covered by Insurance?

Insurance coverage for mental health can vary significantly among providers. It’s essential to know that not every insurance company offers coverage for IFS therapy. If you’re considering utilizing your insurance for this, it’s a good idea to reach out to your insurance provider and inquire about the specifics of your coverage.

When inquiring, consider asking the following questions:

  • Does my policy include coverage for sessions with an IFS-trained therapist?
  • Are there certain mental health conditions that my plan doesn’t cover or that necessitate a different therapeutic approach?
  • Is there a cap on the number of therapy sessions that my insurance will cover?

IFS Therapy in Chattanooga, TN

Discover a transformative path to inner harmony with Internal Family Systems therapy in Chattanooga, TN. At Iris Wellness Group, our dedicated therapists employ the innovative IFS approach to help individuals navigate the complexities of their inner world, fostering profound self-awareness and lasting healing. Embrace a journey of self-discovery and balanced mental well-being right here with IFS Therapy in Chattanooga. Call Iris Wellness Group today at 423-564-6114 and embark on a transformative healing journey tailored just for you.

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