Iris Wellness Group Addiction & Mental Health Treatment Center in Chattanooga, TN

901 Mountain Creek Rd

Chattanooga, TN 37405

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Understanding Age-Related Mental Health Changes

Understanding Age-Related Mental Health Changes at IRIS Wellness Group

As we age, our bodies and minds undergo a myriad of changes, some of which can significantly impact our mental health. It’s a natural part of life, yet often, the mental health issues associated with aging do not receive the attention they deserve. This post aims to shed light on how mental health can change […]

What is K2 (Spice)? Synthetic Marijuana Addiction

Synthetic Marijuana

Synthetic marijuana, commonly referred to as Spice or K2, poses a significant global health concern due to its potentially life-threatening side effects. Often disguised as a natural or herbal product, it is readily available in head shops, gas stations, and novelty stores. This substance consists of herbal materials laced with synthetic cannabinoids, which is why […]

Suboxone Addiction: Is Suboxone Addictive?

Suboxone Addiction Chattanooga, TN

Suboxone, widely used in opioid addiction treatment, combines buprenorphine, a mild opioid, and naloxone, an agent that reverses opioid effects. Although effective, Suboxone carries the risk of dependence and addiction due to its buprenorphine component. Identifying signs of Suboxone addiction early is vital for timely intervention. Recognizing these symptoms allows healthcare providers to deliver targeted […]

Steroid Addiction: Signs, Symptoms, Effects and Treatment

Anabolic Steroid Addiction Chattanooga, TN

Anabolic steroid addiction impacts a significant number of steroid users, with about 32% developing a dependency. This addiction can severely disrupt physical and mental health, relationships, and financial stability. People often misuse steroids to enhance fitness, build muscle rapidly, and improve athletic performance. However, this misuse can escalate into a strong addiction, making it challenging […]

Methadone Addiction: Signs, Side Effects, & Treatment

Methadone Addiction Chattanooga, TN

Methadone is a regulated prescription medication primarily used to manage opioid withdrawal symptoms and treat pain. Classified as a Schedule II controlled substance by the FDA, methadone carries a significant risk for abuse and dependency. Individuals taking methadone may develop a tolerance to the drug, necessitating higher doses to achieve the same effects, which can […]

Kratom Withdrawal: Signs, Symptoms, & Timeline

Kratom Withdrawal Treatment Chattanooga, TN

Kratom, a plant that has captured attention for its potential medicinal properties, has increasingly been used in recent years. While some advocate for its benefits, many individuals report experiencing withdrawal symptoms when they stop using it. It’s important to clarify that Kratom is not recognized by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for any medical […]

What Does An Anxiety Attack Feel Like?

What is an Anxiety Attack

Experiencing what’s commonly called an anxiety attack can be intensely unsettling, often leaving people feeling panicked and vulnerable. It’s important to understand the nature of these episodes and effective coping strategies. Although not officially classified in medical terms, “anxiety attack” is widely used to describe severe instances of anxiety triggered by stress or perceived dangers. […]

What are Blues Drug? (M30 Pills)

What Are Blues Drugs?

The term “blues drugs” typically refers to blue pills such as the M30, commonly known as “oxy,” which symbolize the opioid crisis in the United States and beyond. The misuse of these pills has led to widespread addiction, overdoses, and numerous lives impacted. Common street names for these pills include: M-30s Blue pills drug Dirty […]

Dangers of Snorting Klonopin

Dangers of Snorting Klonopin

Klonopin, the brand name for clonazepam, is primarily prescribed to manage seizures and anxiety disorders. Like all benzodiazepines, Klonopin poses a high risk of addiction. Some users may crush and snort the medication to achieve a more immediate, intense high. Abusing Klonopin, especially by snorting it, can severely impact both physical and mental health. The […]

Klonopin Addiction: Signs, Side Effects, & Treatment

Klonopin Addiction Treatment Chattanooga, TN

Klonopin, the brand name for clonazepam, is medically prescribed for treating seizures and panic disorders. However, its potential for misuse, dependence, and addiction is significant. Despite being a prescription medication, Klonopin is often mistakenly believed to be non-addictive. Yet, the reality is that it has a high potential for abuse, which can disrupt and negatively […]