Iris Wellness Group Addiction & Mental Health Treatment Center in Chattanooga, TN

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Percocet Addiction Treatment in Chattanooga, TN

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901 Mountain Creek Rd, Chattanooga, TN 37405

Percocet Addiction Treatment Chattanooga, TN
Table of Contents

In the current healthcare environment, the misuse of oxycodone-based opioids is a significant issue, with Percocet abuse being notably widespread. Percocet, an opioid pain reliever, combines oxycodone and acetaminophen, designed primarily for short-term relief of moderate to severe pain, not for ongoing chronic pain management.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report that daily, approximately 44 Americans die from overdosing on prescription opioid medications. This alarming statistic highlights the urgent need for dedicated Percocet addiction treatment centers. These specialized facilities focus on helping individuals struggling with Percocet misuse through comprehensive medical and therapeutic approaches. By addressing both the physical dependency and the psychological roots of addiction, these centers offer individuals a route to not only recover but also to embark on a journey towards a life free from substance dependency.

What is Percocet?

Percocet is a potent prescription medication that marries the pain-relieving properties of oxycodone with acetaminophen. Oxycodone is a strong opioid that effectively manages moderate to severe pain, while acetaminophen, a drug commonly found in over-the-counter pain relievers, helps alleviate mild pain and reduce fever. This combination is typically prescribed for individuals experiencing significant pain.

When taken as directed by a healthcare provider, Percocet can offer significant pain relief with relatively low risk. Nonetheless, its capacity to produce euphoric effects has led to its misuse for self-medication or recreational use by some. The misuse of Percocet is not without dangers: oxycodone can contribute to cardiovascular complications, and excessive intake of acetaminophen may lead to liver damage. Moreover, oxycodone’s addictive nature underscores the importance of careful, medically supervised use.

Percocet is also known by several street names, including:

  • ROXI
  • M-30S
  • RIMS

What is Percocet Addiction?

Percocet addiction arises when the opioid painkiller, designed to modify the brain’s pain processing pathways and slow down the central nervous system, is misused. This misuse can significantly alter dopamine levels, the neurotransmitters linked to pleasure, creating a euphoric sensation when the drug is taken in ways not intended by prescription, such as crushing, snorting, smoking, or injecting the substance. These methods increase the intensity of the high and the danger of overdose.

Research published in Physiological Reviews highlights how opioid misuse can fundamentally change the brain’s reward system, leading to shifts in emotional, physical, and behavioral responses. This transformation can escalate from occasional use to a compulsive habit, marking the path to addiction.

The symptoms of Percocet abuse may mimic those of alcohol intoxication, showing as slurred speech, clumsy movements, forgetfulness, and difficulties with focus or decision-making. Users often engage in risky activities, display poor judgment, and struggle with controlling impulses. Withdrawal from the drug can trigger irritability, dizziness, physical discomfort, emotional instability, and other signs indicative of the body’s adjustment to its absence.

Becoming dependent on Percocet means the body and brain rely on it for normal function, a dependency fueled by structural and functional changes in the brain from continuous misuse. Withdrawal symptoms, alongside a growing tolerance to Percocet’s effects, are clear signs of addiction, pointing to the need for specialized treatment to overcome this dependence.

Percocet Addiction Treatment Chattanooga, TN

Is Percocet Addictive?

Percocet, recognized as a Schedule II controlled substance, is known for its high potential for addiction, primarily due to its active ingredient, oxycodone. This component is capable of inducing euphoric feelings akin to those produced by heroin, making Percocet particularly risky in terms of addictive potential.

Though effective for managing pain in the short term, users may quickly develop a tolerance to Percocet. As tolerance builds, the effectiveness of the prescribed dosage diminishes, leading some to increase their dosage or the frequency of use unsafely. These misuse patterns can rapidly escalate to physical dependence and ultimately result in opioid use disorder or addiction.

The extensive prescribing of opioid painkillers, including Percocet, for managing chronic pain during the 1990s contributed significantly to the surge in prescription medication addictions across the United States.

It’s essential to be aware of the signs indicative of a Percocet addiction, which can include:

  • Forging prescriptions to obtain Percocet.
  • “Doctor shopping” to get new Percocet prescriptions.
  • Buying Percocet illegally.
  • Turning to illicit opioids like heroin when Percocet is unavailable.
  • Stealing or engaging in illegal activities to support a Percocet addiction.

Early recognition of these behaviors is key to seeking timely and effective treatment for Percocet addiction, facilitating the journey towards recovery.

Percocet Addiction Symptoms

Recognizing Percocet addiction involves observing changes in behavior and health. Individuals may withdraw from their usual social groups, have difficulties in relationships, or associate with a new circle, often prioritizing access to Percocet over professional and personal responsibilities. An evident obsession with acquiring and consuming Percocet can signify addiction.

The DSM-5-TR provides a framework for diagnosing opioid use disorder, such as Percocet addiction, categorizing the severity based on the number of symptoms present: mild (2-3 symptoms), moderate (4-5 symptoms), and severe (6 or more symptoms).

Key indicators of Percocet addiction include:

  • Consuming Percocet in larger amounts or over a longer period than planned.
  • Repeated unsuccessful attempts to decrease or control use.
  • Devoting substantial time to obtaining, using, or recovering from Percocet.
  • Experiencing strong urges to use Percocet.
  • Neglecting major responsibilities at work, school, or home due to use.
  • Continuing use despite ongoing social or relationship issues caused by Percocet.
  • Forgoing important activities in favor of using Percocet.
  • Using Percocet in situations where it’s physically dangerous.
  • Persisting in use despite knowing it’s worsening physical or psychological issues.
  • Needing increased amounts of Percocet to achieve the same effects (tolerance).
  • Facing withdrawal symptoms when not using Percocet.

Physical signs of addiction may include withdrawal symptoms, weight loss, slurred speech, a slow heart rate, sleep disturbances, shallow breathing, balance issues, fatigue, exhaustion, and constipation. Cognitive symptoms often encompass poor decision-making, concentration difficulties, memory issues, and a lack of focus. Psychosocial symptoms can manifest as mood swings, irritability, agitation, and aggression.

Recognizing these signs is critical for early intervention and successful treatment of Percocet addiction. If you or someone you know is dealing with these issues, reaching out for professional help can mark the beginning of recovery. For those seeking Percocet addiction treatment in Chattanooga, TN, our facility offers comprehensive support to navigate this challenging journey.

Causes and Risk Factors for Percocet Addiction

The development of Percocet addiction is influenced by a range of factors, from genetic predispositions to the effects of one’s environment.

Genetic Influences: Research by the American Psychological Association (APA) suggests that personality traits, including impulsiveness and a proclivity for seeking novel experiences, can elevate the risk of developing an opioid use disorder. Moreover, a family history of addiction, particularly among immediate family members such as parents or siblings, markedly raises the risk of falling into addiction patterns.

Environmental Factors: The surrounding environment significantly impacts the likelihood of Percocet misuse and addiction. Having easy access to Percocet, whether through one’s own prescription or someone else’s, notably increases risk. Additionally, the absence of strong coping mechanisms and support systems, especially following traumatic events, exposure to violence, or previous substance abuse, heightens the vulnerability to Percocet addiction.

Primary Risk Factors Include:

  • Impulsive behavior and personality traits.
  • Ready access to Percocet, by prescription or otherwise.
  • Gender differences, with women more prone to Percocet misuse.
  • A family history replete with mental health challenges.
  • A disposition towards seeking new and intense experiences.
  • A family background marked by substance abuse and addiction.
  • Past instances of substance misuse and/or mental health issues.

Acknowledging these factors is crucial for a comprehensive understanding of Percocet addiction, paving the way for more targeted prevention and treatment approaches. For those grappling with Percocet addiction in Chattanooga, TN, our center offers tailored treatment solutions to embark on the path to recovery.

Signs of Percocet Addiction

Effects of Percocet Addiction

The consequences of untreated Percocet addiction are severe and wide-ranging, impacting nearly every aspect of an individual’s life:

  • Suicide Attempts: Individuals struggling with addiction may face a significantly higher risk of attempting suicide.
  • Sexual Dysfunction: Problems with sexual performance and health can emerge as a result of addiction.
  • Mental Health Deterioration: Pre-existing mental health issues may worsen, and new psychological conditions can develop.
  • Social Withdrawal: There’s a tendency for increased isolation from social contacts and activities.
  • Risk of Homelessness: The stability of housing can be jeopardized, leading to potential homelessness.
  • Eye Health Issues: Various problems related to eye health may occur due to addiction.
  • Heart and Lung Damage: Critical organ health, including that of the heart and lungs, can be adversely affected.
  • Suicidal Thoughts: Individuals may experience more frequent or intense thoughts of suicide.
  • Strained Relationships: Addiction can strain or sever personal relationships.
  • Employment Challenges: The ability to maintain employment can be compromised, leading to job loss and unemployment.
  • Increased Injury Risk: The likelihood of sustaining injuries due to impairment increases with addiction.
  • Family Conflicts: Addiction can exacerbate tensions and conflicts within families.
  • Financial Instability: Managing finances becomes more challenging, potentially leading to financial distress.
  • Legal Problems: The risk of legal issues, including arrest and incarceration, may rise.

Prompt and effective intervention for Percocet addiction is essential to mitigate these serious risks, setting the foundation for a journey towards recovery and a return to a healthier lifestyle.

Percocet Withdrawal Symptoms

Experiencing withdrawal from Percocet, which includes oxycodone, a potent opioid, can lead to intense and sometimes life-threatening symptoms, particularly for those with a moderate to severe addiction or dependence. It’s critical that withdrawal is overseen by medical professionals in a detox facility, rather than attempting to go through the process alone at home.

Symptoms commonly associated with Percocet withdrawal include:

  • Flu-like Symptoms: Expect fever, chills, heavy sweating, and a runny nose.
  • Muscle Discomfort: Widespread muscle aches are a common complaint.
  • Psychological Distress: Feelings of restlessness, anxiety, and agitation are prevalent.
  • Sleep Difficulties: Insomnia makes it hard to achieve restful sleep.
  • Gastrointestinal Distress: Symptoms like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal cramping are frequent.
  • Pupil Dilation: Noticeably larger pupils are a clear indicator of opioid withdrawal.
  • Yawning and Watery Eyes: These symptoms often accompany the withdrawal process.
  • Emotional Instability: Experiencing mood swings, irritability, depression, or intense cravings for the drug.
  • Cardiovascular Issues: High blood pressure and increased heart rate may pose risks during severe withdrawal.

Ensuring medical oversight during the withdrawal from Percocet is vital for safely navigating these symptoms and facilitating a smoother path to recovery.

How Long Does Percocet Stay in Your System?

Percocet is metabolized faster than its extended-release counterpart, OxyContin, and tends to clear from the bloodstream fairly quickly. Typically, Percocet is formulated to alleviate pain for about six hours, with a half-life of roughly three and a half hours, meaning it takes this amount of time for the body to reduce the active substance in the bloodstream by half. However, the complete elimination of Percocet from the body might require almost 24 hours.

Despite this relatively swift elimination from the bloodstream, Percocet’s breakdown products, or metabolites, can remain in the liver for a longer time, making it possible to detect the drug in various tests even after its active effects have ceased.

For those subject to drug screenings for work or legal reasons, Percocet can be found in urine tests up to two days after the last intake. It’s detectable in blood tests within just 15 minutes of consumption and can remain detectable for up to a day. Furthermore, hair follicle tests can reveal Percocet use for up to 90 days, providing a much longer window for detection compared to blood and urine tests.

Percocet Overdose Risks

The danger of overdosing on prescription opioids, including Percocet, is a pressing issue in the United States, leading to significant health complications and fatalities. The misuse of Percocet not only increases the likelihood of experiencing a potentially deadly overdose but also raises the risk of consuming dangerous levels of acetaminophen.

Taking too much Percocet can lead to acetaminophen poisoning, whose symptoms might initially appear mild or vague, such as general malaise, stomach pain, nausea, and vomiting. Yet, this condition can escalate to critical liver damage and is responsible for approximately 500 deaths each year in the U.S.

Additionally, the sedative effects of Percocet are heightened when combined with alcohol consumption or when the drug is used alongside alcohol. This not only further elevates the danger of acetaminophen poisoning but also amplifies the drug’s sedative properties, compounding the risk of overdose.

Treatment for Percocet Addiction in Chattanooga, TN

Percocet Addiction Treatment

Addressing Percocet addiction follows a pathway similar to the treatment of other opioid addictions, starting with a comprehensive detoxification process. This step is crucial for eliminating the drug from the body but can often be accompanied by uncomfortable, sometimes dangerous, withdrawal symptoms.

After detox, those seeking to overcome Percocet addiction typically choose between inpatient rehabilitation, which provides round-the-clock medical care, and outpatient programs, which offer flexibility and support for individuals to continue their daily lives while receiving treatment.

At Iris Wellness Group, we specialize in outpatient care, providing a nurturing environment for recovery from Percocet addiction. Our approach begins with your decision to take back control of your life. We support your recovery journey through personalized therapy sessions, group support, and a tailored 12-step program specifically designed for overcoming Percocet dependency.

Our treatment integrates evidence-based practices with holistic methods to encourage positive life changes and sustainable freedom from opioid addiction. Aware of the ongoing risks of relapse associated with opioid use disorder, our comprehensive aftercare planning includes strategies for relapse prevention, adaptive coping skills, and continued outpatient support as needed.

Your path to a healthier, Percocet-free life is our utmost concern. Contact us at 423-919-9549 to start your journey to recovery with our Percocet addiction treatment program in Chattanooga, TN.

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