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How to Be a Good Ally for Your Loved One After Drug and Alcohol Rehab

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drug and alcohol rehab
Picture of Medically Reviewed By: Dr. Mohsin Ali, MD

Medically Reviewed By: Dr. Mohsin Ali, MD

Dr. Mohsin Ali MD is board certified in Psychiatry and Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Trained in Syracuse NY, he has worked in Tennessee for the last sixteen years.

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Navigating life after leaving drug and alcohol rehab can be incredibly challenging. One of the best things that you can do for your loved one is simply to be there for them to navigate through this very difficult road ahead. When a person has a strong support team on their side, the chances of long-term success are far greater. 

Unfortunately, not everybody knows what it takes to be a good ally to a loved one. It is important that you recognize ways that you can be a good ally to your friend after they leave drug and alcohol rehab to ensure they are able to live a long and healthy life of sobriety. 

Even though there is no book that explains how you can be a good ally to a person who has just left drug and alcohol rehab, there are several things that you can do to show your support to them and to help them along their path to sobriety.

Make an Effort to Understand What They Are Going Through

If you have never personally been addicted to anything, it can be hard for you to understand life through your friend’s eyes. After leaving drug and alcohol rehab, they will have a new outlook on everything. Even though it may seem hard at times, it is important that you try to make an effort to understand what they are going through. 

Having a better understanding of what they are going through can go a long way in helping your loved one maintain sobriety after leaving drug and alcohol rehab.

Ask What They Need and Expect From You as an Ally

Knowing what your loved one needs after leaving drug and alcohol rehab can make a big difference when it comes to your ability to provide them with support. It is important that you ask them what they need from you in order to provide you with the ability to show support while giving on the space they need to navigate their life.

There are many cases where people like to be checked in on them daily. In other cases, people may find it overbearing. 

You want to be close enough to your loved one to support them without crossing any lines or making it uncomfortable. In some cases, your loved one may want you to provide them with assistance by attending some of their 12-step meetings or Alcoholics Anonymous. It is crucial that you always let them know that you are just a phone call away whenever they need you to talk or to offer guidance or helpful resources.

Never Enable Addictive Behaviors

Even after drug and alcohol rehab, addictive behaviors may still come through. If you notice that your loved one is engaging and actions or habits as they did prior to their recovery, it is important that you call them out on them immediately. 

There are instances where people will engage in certain conduct or behaviors that can ultimately lead to a relapse. Stopping these behaviors immediately can help to ensure that they are able to maintain a path of sobriety.

If you notice that your friend is engaging in addictive behavior, you should point them out to them. Recommend an activity or something that you both can engage in together to help take their mind off whatever is causing the problem. Encourage them to seek help from somebody, such as a counselor, to talk about their problems.

Support and Encourage Any New Hobbies or Passions

While in drug and alcohol rehab, many people learn new hobbies or engage in new activities. In most cases, these activities are used in order to develop healthy lifestyle choices that can help them aid through the recovery process. If your loved one picked up an interest in hiking, cooking, or even exercise class, it is important that you are open about your support for them. You will want to do everything you can to encourage their new hobbies and passions so that they are able to fully embrace them.

Offer your support to them some time by asking if you can go with them. If they are going on a long hike through the mountains, ask them if you can join along. If they are going to a new dancing class or cooking class, see if you can go to learn too. Knowing that they have your support as an ally through every step of the recovery process after drug and alcohol rehab is invaluable.

Always Be Open and Honest

Going through drug and alcohol rehab is arguably one of the most difficult things that a person dealing with an addiction will ever go through. After leaving the program, individuals often need people that they can rely on. This makes it important that you are completely honest with your loved one. Your loved one should understand where you are coming from, too, so that you are both on the same page and the expectations between both of you are clear. 

During this very difficult time in your friend’s life, the last thing that they need is for you to judge them harshly. They need guidance and support from their friends and family. Showing that you care about them while being completely open and honest about your feelings can go a long way when it comes to ensuring they are able to remain on the path of sobriety.

Let Our Chattanooga, TN, Team Help You

At Iris Wellness Group, our team focuses on helping individuals learn healthy lifestyle choices that can help them maintain sobriety after leaving drug and alcohol rehab. Once they reenter society, it is important that they have a strong support system in place. Being a good ally for your loved one can help them live a long and healthy life of sobriety.

If you are interested in seeing how our program can help you or a loved one overcome an addiction and learn how to make healthy choices in their life, contact our team today to schedule an appointment to see how we can help you. 

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