Iris Wellness Group Addiction & Mental Health Treatment Center in Chattanooga, TN

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Chattanooga, TN 37405

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Regaining Independence After Addiction With Outpatient Rehab

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901 Mountain Creek Rd, Chattanooga, TN 37405

outpatient rehab
Picture of Medically Reviewed By: Dr. Mohsin Ali, MD

Medically Reviewed By: Dr. Mohsin Ali, MD

Dr. Mohsin Ali MD is board certified in Psychiatry and Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Trained in Syracuse NY, he has worked in Tennessee for the last sixteen years.

Table of Contents

Recovering from a substance addiction or mental health condition is incredibly challenging, and the road to recovery is often wrought with struggles and hardships. As such, it’s understandable that many individuals feel like they’ve lost their independence when in need of medical care. However, outpatient rehab can be a powerful tool for regaining autonomy while still receiving the high-quality treatment one needs. Whether you are just starting to consider sober living or have been down this path before, outpatient rehabilitation gives people an opportunity to create meaningful change outside of residential care.

Definition of Outpatient Rehab

Outpatient rehab is a type of outpatient medical treatment and psychological therapy that helps individuals recover from addiction and mental health issues. It includes individual counseling, group therapy, 12-step meetings, educational sessions, as well as medications to help taper off substances or manage symptoms of mental health issues, if necessary. Unlike residential care or inpatient treatment, which requires the patient to stay in the facility at all times while they receive care, outpatient rehabilitation allows patients to come and go as needed.

The Need for Outpatient Care

When it comes to outpatient rehab, the goal is to provide individuals with a convenient, safe, and supportive environment that allows them to take control of their own recovery while still receiving the necessary medical attention. This type of care helps those in need develop an understanding of their illness and learn how best to manage it. Additionally, outpatient programs often teach skills such as problem-solving, communication, conflict management, and coping strategies that can be used throughout life.

Benefits of Outpatient Rehab

The largest benefit associated with professional outpatient rehab is that individuals can maintain their autonomy and independence while still receiving quality professional care. Additionally, outpatient rehab also provides flexibility for individuals who may work during the day or have other commitments outside of recovery. Furthermore, outpatient rehab can also be ideal for individuals who do not require 24-hour medical supervision or have particular spiritual needs that can only be met in outpatient care.

  1. Customized Treatment Plans 

Outpatient rehabilitation provides a more customizable approach to recovery than other forms of treatment. This is because outpatient programs are specifically tailored to fit the individual’s needs. This type of care allows people to develop their own treatment plan in order to achieve sobriety at a pace that is comfortable for them. Additionally, outpatient rehab also allows for a greater degree of accountability since individuals have to take ownership of their recovery from day one. It is up to them to attend appointments and follow through with their treatment plans in order for them to be successful. 

  1. Ability to Maintain Current Responsibilities

Outpatient rehab also gives individuals the opportunity to maintain their current family and employment responsibilities while still receiving the necessary care. Since outpatient programs allow individuals to come and go as needed, it provides a greater chance for those in recovery to stay connected with their lives outside of treatment.

  1. Cost-Effectiveness Compared to Residential Care

Since outpatient programs do not require individuals to stay in the facility full-time, they are usually more affordable than other forms of treatment. Additionally, outpatient programs may also provide access to community resources such as support groups and sober living environments that can help keep costs down and promote long-term recovery success.

  1. Accessibility for Remote Locations

Outpatient rehab also provides a viable treatment option for those living in remote locations that may not have access to residential care. Since outpatient programs allow individuals to come and go as needed, they can work with people living in rural areas and provide them with the necessary care that they need to stay sober.

  1. Collaborative Care

Outpatient rehab also provides a collaborative care model that involves professionals from all different fields. This multidisciplinary approach allows individuals to receive the most comprehensive care possible in order to promote long-term success in recovery.

  1. Long-term Recovery Support

Outpatient rehab also provides long-term recovery support and follow-up care that can help individuals stay on track even after they have completed their treatment program. This includes access to outpatient counseling sessions, 12-step programs, relapse prevention resources, and other forms of therapeutic care. Ultimately, outpatient rehab can provide the necessary structure and guidance needed for individuals to continue their path toward sobriety.

Achieve Lasting Sobriety

Overall, professional outpatient rehab is an ideal form of treatment for those who need a more flexible approach to recovery while still maintaining autonomy over their own care. With the help of experienced professionals, outpatient rehabilitation can provide a strong foundation upon which recovery is possible. It is important to remember that outpatient programs require commitment and motivation from the individual in order for them to be successful. With this being said, outpatient rehab can provide the necessary structure and support needed for individuals to achieve lasting sobriety.

Individuals who are interested in outpatient rehab should speak with their doctor or a qualified substance abuse counselor to determine if this type of care would be appropriate for them. Make sure you take time to understand this program before making any decisions about treatment. If you have any questions regarding outpatient rehab in Chattanooga, TN, please contact us today. We would be glad to provide you with free insurance verification and find the best addiction treatment program for you.

Best Outpatient Rehab in Chattanooga, TN

Iris Wellness Group is proud to provide top-rated outpatient rehab in Chattanooga, TN. Our outpatient program is designed to provide individualized care that meets the needs of each person in recovery. We are committed to providing a comprehensive and collaborative treatment plan that will help individuals build a strong foundation for lifelong sobriety. Additionally, our outpatient program provides access to community resources such as support groups and ongoing behavioral therapy that can promote long-term success.

With our outpatient rehab in Chattanooga, TN, you can achieve your personal goals for recovery without sacrificing your independence or current responsibilities. Contact us today to learn more about how our outpatient rehab can help you reach your goals!

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