Iris Wellness Group Addiction & Mental Health Treatment Center in Chattanooga, TN

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Cocaine Addiction Treatment in Chattanooga, TN

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901 Mountain Creek Rd, Chattanooga, TN 37405

Cocaine Addiction Treatment
Table of Contents

Iris Wellness Group provides a comprehensive cocaine addiction treatment program aimed at empowering individuals to break free from this perilous substance. While the dangers of cocaine are widely recognized, countless individuals still fall prey to its grip. Its addiction not only profoundly impacts lives but can also be fatal. Our approach incorporates various therapeutic techniques that have been proven effective in achieving and maintaining sobriety.

Should you or a cherished one be battling cocaine addiction, turn to Iris Wellness Group for assistance. Reach out to us at 423-401-9630 or verify your insurance for the support you deserve.

What is Cocaine?

Cocaine, a potent stimulant, originates from the coca bush leaves in South America. Historically, it was utilized for its analgesic and anesthetic properties. In its refined state, it appears as a white powder often mixed with other substances. Commonly snorted, this method delivers a rapid burst of euphoria, energy, and alertness. Through its action on the central nervous system, cocaine increases dopamine levels in the brain, inducing an intense high. Due to these effects, rapid dependency can develop, leading to continued consumption.

Various methods of cocaine use include snorting, ingesting, or injecting its dissolved form. A stronger variant, crack cocaine, is sometimes termed freebase or rock. This concentrated form amplifies the drug’s effects, inducing even more intense sensations. All cocaine variations trigger a dopamine surge, causing heightened focus, impulsivity, and bursts of energy. This acceleration of brain-to-body messages results in symptoms like:

  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Intense paranoia
  • Mental confusion
  • Sleeplessness
  • Physical tremors
  • Visual hallucinations
  • Swift eye movements

The drug’s fleeting presence in the bloodstream causes its highs to be short-lived. This transient euphoria often plunges users into states of depression, sluggishness, and diminished coordination. The allure of cocaine isn’t just the high; it’s the heightened concentration and motivation it offers. This addictiveness is pervasive, cutting across various societal strata. Contrary to some perceptions, it’s consumed by diverse groups, often as an aid to maintain drive in professional, academic, or social scenarios.

What is Cocaine Addiction?

Cocaine addiction is a complex condition that goes beyond just physical dependence on the drug. It profoundly impacts an individual’s behavior, emotional state, and overall quality of life. This addiction fundamentally alters the brain’s reward system, specifically the mesolimbic dopamine pathway, which is crucial for our sense of pleasure, motivation, and pain response. Over time, regular cocaine use can rewire this system, making it difficult for individuals to experience joy or satisfaction without the drug.
To identify someone grappling with cocaine addiction, look out for certain behavioral and physical signs, such as:
  • Dramatic Mood Fluctuations: This may range from bouts of extreme happiness to intense irritability.
  • Withdrawal from Social Activities: A noticeable distancing from friends, family, and social engagements.
  • Sudden Energetic and Talkative Behavior: An uncharacteristic increase in chattiness or hyperactivity.
  • Overconfidence: Sometimes this may escalate to unrealistic feelings of grandeur.
  • Paranoia and Distrust: Growing suspicions or unease about others and their motives.
  • Risky Behaviors: Engaging in activities that are uncharacteristic and potentially dangerous.
  • Financial Issues: Spending substantial amounts of money on sustaining the drug habit

Physically, signs like dilated pupils, loss of appetite, excessive sweating, and in severe cases, seizures, may point towards cocaine addiction.

Cocaine addiction’s impact extends far beyond financial woes; it can deeply affect every facet of a person’s life, from personal relationships to mental health. At Iris Wellness Group, we are dedicated to offering comprehensive care and effective strategies for individuals seeking to overcome the challenges of cocaine addiction.

Dangers and Risks of Cocaine Abuse

Cocaine, though often classified with opioids like heroin, has its distinct dangers, especially when adulterated with substances like fentanyl. This raises its risk level significantly higher than commonly perceived. The consequences of cocaine abuse span a broad spectrum of physical and psychological issues:

  • Cardiovascular complications: Cocaine-related problems can lead to heart attacks, respiratory failure, and even severe organ damage. The threat of contracting infectious diseases like HIV/AIDS and HBV/HCV also looms large.
  • Emotional challenges: Deprivation from cocaine can induce users into a whirlwind of emotions, characterized by fluctuating mood patterns, heightened anxiety, and general irritability.
  • Lung disorders: Individuals smoking crack cocaine are exposed to a higher risk of respiratory damages, including potential lung diseases.
  • Digestive concerns: Cocaine’s impact on blood circulation can result in ulcerations and significant damage to the gastrointestinal system.
  • Blood pressure anomalies: Regular intake of cocaine has been correlated with episodes of acute hypertension and kidney failures.
  • Increased polydrug use: Cocaine enthusiasts often veer towards the consumption of other harmful substances, including but not limited to alcohol and heroin.
  • Drastic weight changes: A reduced appetite is a hallmark of frequent cocaine users, often leading to notable weight loss.
  • Neurological implications: The way cocaine interacts with the central nervous system predisposes users to a heightened risk of seizures, especially if consumed via snorting, smoking, or intravenous methods.
  • Impaired sleep: The surge in dopamine, coupled with elevated energy levels due to cocaine, disrupts regular sleep patterns, making restful sleep hard to achieve.

Given its nature as a rapid-response stimulant, cocaine poses severe risks, including potential overdose and fatal consequences. Indicators of a cocaine overdose encompass:

  • Onset of a heart attack or stroke
  • Discomfort or pain in the chest
  • Rapid heart rhythm
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Spike in body temperature
  • Mental delusions or psychosis
  • Onset of seizures or uncontrollable shaking

Often, individuals undergoing an overdose are incapacitated, making it difficult for them to seek medical intervention independently. This incapacitation can culminate in fatal outcomes or lasting health complications. As cocaine consumption becomes habitual, the user’s brain becomes increasingly dependent on the drug for its dopamine supply. Eventually, the brain’s natural dopamine production diminishes, leading to severe withdrawal effects, amplified depression, and other related mood disturbances.

Navigating Cocaine Addiction Treatment at Iris Wellness Group

Iris Wellness Group provides outpatient cocaine addiction treatment. In our program, adults attend sessions during the day, while adolescents have evening sessions. This format ensures that participants can continue living at home, a preference for many compared to inpatient programs where a residential stay is required. Our outpatient therapy encompasses a range of evidence-based approaches tailored to support those confronting substance abuse. We proudly present a suite of Outpatient Programs, including Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP), Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP), and specialized Adolescent IOP, all focused on aiding those with cocaine addiction.

Moreover, the intricacies of addiction often intertwine with mental health, leading to the significance of dual diagnosis treatment. It’s estimated that about half of those battling addictions like cocaine are simultaneously managing a distinct mental health disorder such as depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, ADHD, or PTSD. This overlap underscores the importance of addressing both addiction and mental health concurrently. Achieving sobriety often corresponds with an alleviation in mental health symptoms. Similarly, as individuals acquire tools to better handle their mental well-being, the reliance on substances as a crutch tends to diminish.

The Prevalence of Cocaine Addiction Today

While much attention is directed towards the dangers of prescription opioids and alcohol in modern discourse, the prevalence of cocaine addiction often goes under the radar. Despite this, cocaine addiction continues to be a pressing issue in the US. Data from 2018 revealed that approximately 5.5 million Americans, aged 12 and older, had engaged with cocaine or its potent variant, crack cocaine.

By 2020, around 1.3 million individuals within the same age bracket were grappling with a cocaine-related disorder. Tragically, cocaine overdoses culminated in almost 20,000 fatalities that year. Alarmingly, up to 1,800 Americans are introduced to cocaine daily. While some may perceive their initial use as mere experimentation, it frequently escalates to a debilitating addiction.

Signs and Symptoms of Cocaine Addiction

Signs and Symptoms of Cocaine Addiction

The repercussions of cocaine misuse manifest in various dimensions: physiological, psychological, and behavioral. A person grappling with cocaine addiction may display several of the following indicators:

  • Elevated heart rhythm
  • Hypertension
  • Expanded pupils
  • Restlessness
  • Decreased hunger
  • Sudden weight reduction
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Surge in vitality
  • Heightened sensitivity to stimuli like light, sound, or touch
  • Shaking or twitching
  • Convulsions
  • Concentration issues
  • Episodes of anxiety
  • Mood swings or irritability
  • Unfounded fears or paranoia
  • Feelings of sadness or hopelessness
  • Mysterious financial needs

It’s crucial to recognize that someone presenting several of these symptoms might be facing addiction issues. While some might occasionally use cocaine without forming a habit, such instances are relatively rare.

Symptoms of Cocaine Withdrawal

As the effects of cocaine diminish, an individual may begin to experience withdrawal. The specific symptoms, their intensity, and their impact vary based on several considerations, including:

  • Duration of cocaine use
  • Quantity consumed
  • Degree of dependence on the substance

Frequent symptoms of cocaine withdrawal encompass:

  • Persistent headaches
  • Severe migraines
  • Heightened anxiety
  • Sudden panic episodes
  • Mood swings or irritability
  • Restlessness
  • Profound tiredness
  • Boosted hunger levels
  • Vivid, unsettling dreams or nocturnal disturbances
  • Feelings of despair
  • Pervading sadness
  • Suicidal ideations
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Challenges with attention and clarity.

How Long Do Cocaine Withdrawal Symptoms Last?

The length of cocaine withdrawal symptoms largely depends on the pattern of drug abuse. Typically, the bulk of withdrawal signs dissipate between 2 to 4 weeks. By the second month into recovery, the body initiates its healing process, further reducing withdrawal manifestations.

By the close of the second month, individuals often begin to regain their pre-cocaine use vitality. Yet, sporadic cravings can linger. Some may also grapple with bouts of anxiety and mood fluctuations.

Entering the third month of recovery, most have surmounted the brunt of withdrawal. However, specific situations might still induce cravings or emotional triggers. As such, cultivating robust coping strategies becomes paramount to ward off potential relapses during the course of cocaine addiction rehabilitation.

Start Cocaine Addiction Treatment at Iris Wellness Group Today

Why is Cocaine Addictive?

Cocaine stands out as a remarkably potent stimulant with a swift impact on the brain’s reward system, creating a high risk of addiction, potentially from just one encounter with the drug.
Cocaine’s addictive power lies in its ability to rapidly increase dopamine levels in the brain. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward. Cocaine blocks dopamine’s natural reabsorption process, leading to heightened feelings of euphoria. However, as the drug’s effects wane and dopamine levels drop, individuals often experience a significant low, marked by feelings of depression and exhaustion. To counter these unpleasant after-effects, there’s a strong inclination to use cocaine again, fueling a cycle of repeated use.
Moreover, cocaine’s influence extends to genetic functions in the brain. Studies have shown that cocaine use can activate genes that boost the production of specific proteins. These proteins heighten the brain’s responsiveness to the drug’s rewarding effects. Such biological changes in the brain fortify the urge to consume cocaine, laying the groundwork for a deep-rooted physical addiction.
This complex interplay of biochemical and genetic factors explains why cocaine is such an addictive substance, and underscores the importance of seeking effective treatment for those struggling with cocaine addiction.

Cocaine Addiction Treatment Center in Tennessee

Treatment for cocaine addiction ensures that individuals get targeted and efficient care within a specialized center or clinic. At Iris Wellness Group, we present four distinct outpatient treatment options.

These outpatient modalities cover a range of treatment types. Conversational therapies, both individual and group-oriented, are foundational. Additionally, we offer family counseling, holistic approaches, and trauma-informed therapies. Our programs for cocaine addiction treatment are:

  • Outpatient Program (OP): This is the most basic outpatient level. Typically, individuals participate one to three times weekly, dedicating a few hours in total across these days.
  • Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP): As a more demanding alternative to OP, IOP necessitates a higher frequency of sessions. Generally, participants engage three to four days weekly, with each session spanning about three hours.
  • Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP): Representing our most rigorous outpatient rehabilitation, those in PHP typically engage in sessions three to five days every week, dedicating several hours daily.
  • Adolescent IOP: Our Teen IOP treatment provides specialized, structured therapy sessions for teenagers, addressing substance use and other behavioral challenges while allowing them to remain in their home environment.

Cocaine Addiction Rehab

Recognizing that cocaine has begun to control your life is a significant step, and you don’t have to face it alone. At Iris Wellness Group in Chattanooga, TN, we specialize in treating cocaine addiction, ensuring you receive the care and understanding you need. Our outpatient services cater to individuals struggling with cocaine and also address any accompanying mental health issues. If you or someone you know is grappling with this addiction, contact Iris Wellness Group. Call us at 423-401-9630 or check your insurance coverage to begin your journey to recovery.

Cocaine Addiction Treatment Frequently Asked Questions

Can You Overdose on Cocaine?

Yes, it is possible to overdose on cocaine. An overdose can lead to serious health complications, including heart attack, stroke, and seizures, which can be fatal. Immediate medical attention is crucial in the event of a cocaine overdose.

Cocaine is highly addictive due to its stimulating effects on the brain’s reward pathways. It creates a strong sense of euphoria, which can quickly lead to psychological dependence and, in some cases, physical addiction.

Cocaine typically stays in the system for 1 to 4 days. However, this duration can vary based on factors like the amount used, frequency of use, and individual metabolism.

Cocaine can be detected in urine for up to 3 to 4 days after use. For heavy or frequent users, it may be detectable for a longer period.

Cocaine increases levels of dopamine in the brain, leading to intense feelings of energy and euphoria. It can also cause increased heart rate, elevated blood pressure, and heightened alertness. Long-term use can lead to serious health issues, including heart problems and cognitive impairments.

The best treatment for cocaine addiction often involves a combination of behavioral therapy, counseling, support groups, and, in some cases, medication to manage withdrawal symptoms and cravings. Treatment plans should be individualized to address each person’s unique needs.

While some people may quit cocaine use without formal rehab, it can be challenging due to the drug’s addictive nature and potential withdrawal symptoms. Rehab provides structured support and resources that significantly improve the chances of successful recovery.

Yes, attending rehab for cocaine use is common and often recommended. Rehab centers offer specialized programs to help individuals overcome cocaine addiction through various therapeutic and support services.

Chattanooga cocaine addiction treatment caters to individuals living in Chattanooga, Red Bank, Signal Mountain, Lookout Mountain, Southeastern Tennessee, Northern Georgia, or surrounding areas. These services are ideal for those who do not require medically supervised detoxification, have a stable and supportive home and work environment, and are self-motivated in their journey towards recovery.

The length of cocaine rehab varies depending on the individual’s needs. Programs can range from 30 days to several months, with some people benefiting from longer-term treatment.

A cocaine addiction treatment center is a facility that specializes in treating individuals with cocaine addiction. These centers provide comprehensive care, including detoxification, therapy, counseling, and aftercare planning, to support recovery and prevent relapse.

Many insurance plans do cover cocaine rehab, but the extent of coverage can vary significantly based on the specific policy and provider. Coverage might include detoxification, inpatient and outpatient treatment programs, therapy, and medication. It’s important to check with your insurance provider to understand what types of treatment are covered, any deductibles or copays that may apply, and if there are any restrictions, such as the need for pre-authorization or limits on the length of treatment. Additionally, some rehabs have staff who can assist with understanding and utilizing your insurance benefits for treatment.

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